Urbana 18

1. Go with an Open Mind

It’s a good idea to use your passions as a starting point when walking through the exhibit hall. But don’t stop there. God may have planned opportunities for you that you may have never considered before. The exhibit hall is a great place for confirming callings but also for discovering new ones.

2. Listen to God

As you talk with representatives, be attentive to the Spirit’s promptings and voice. Ask yourself, “Is this exhibitor a good fit for me and my gifts?” and wait for God’s response.

Technology has the potential to propel missions and change the way the gospel is shared around the world. At #Hack4Missions, we’ll apply our skills to help eight missions organizations integrate missional technologies into their work through a number of real-world projects, ranging from data visualization to drone development.

1. Data Visualization for Mobilization│Frontier Ventures

Paul Borthwick first attended Urbana 73, where he and his wife both committed to joining God’s global mission. Since then, he has returned for 11 more Urbana conferences as a speaker, missions expert, guest, advisor, and friend. Throughout the years, each Urbana has been uniquely, intentionally designed to call the present generation of students into a lifetime of mission. Even so, Paul has noticed some common threads, Urbana’s DNA, interwoven within each of the conferences he’s attended.