Urbana 18


Healing Trauma's Wounds: How You Can Help Communities Here & Abroad

People of all ages from all over the world experience trauma caused by events like war, criminal activity, sexual abuse, human trafficking, natural disasters, and addictions.

Hermanas: Growing Latina Leadership & Influence

Learn how to be equipped as emerging Latina leaders. Grow in your relationship with Jesus as you seek to maximize your influence in this world.

Environmental Justice: Serving God & Caring for His Creation

Ambition, love for riches, and a constant need to gather for tomorrow are the base of a destructive, overproducing, and abusive industry. As followers of Jesus, we are called to respond.

Women of Color in Urban Ministry

Come to a space for women of color in missions and ministry that includes a panel discussion and Q&A about the joys, challenges, and opportunities we face.