The story of urbana

Key Moments Through the Decades of Urbana

A New Era of Global Missions Begins
Inception and Vision
In 1946, responding to worldwide needs after WWII, students from the Student Foreign Missions Fellowship and InterVarsity USA & Canada gathered in Toronto for a ground-breaking convention that would become Urbana. This gathering called young people to “count the cost” of following Christ in global missions. By 1948, Urbana had found its home at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, drawing students from 150 universities under the rallying cry, “From Every Campus to Every Country.”

“Young people, don’t follow Christ lightly. He gave his life for the world; he wants you to give yours.”

Bakht Singh, 1946

“The time has come for students to take a place of leadership in a spiritual awakening in a world that is so desperately in need of Christ.”

Billy Graham, Urbana 57

Rising to Meet Global & Social Turmoil
Revitalizing Missionary Purpose
As the postwar missions boom slowed, Urbana adapted to meet a generation facing unprecedented social upheaval. Interactive sessions, Q&As, electives, and spaces for networking with mission agencies were introduced to help students deepen their understanding of Scripture, discipleship, and the gospel’s relevance in a changing world.

“Go into a world that is enslaved… Proclaim liberation to captives… The Liberator has come!”

Tom Skinner, Urbana 70

“Become global Christians with a global vision, for we have a global God.”

John Stott, Urbana 76

Addressing the Great Commission’s New Frontiers
Focusing on the Unreached & Urban Ministry
The 1980s brought new missional challenges and opportunities, such as unreached people groups, Bible translation, international student ministry, and urban outreach. Urbana 81 saw the launch of the Perspectives course, mobilizing thousands with a structured framework to engage with global missions.

“God is a Missionary God. His followers, therefore, must be missionary people.”

Ajith Fernando, Urbana 87

“The most important thing in our lives is not to find the best job at the best salary with the most prestige and the most perks. The most important thing in our lives is to find our place in God’s plan for a needy world.”

Roberta Hestenes, Urbana 87

Embracing a Global, Multiethnic Church
Cross-Cultural Engagement & Personal Transformation
Seeking to reflect the diversity of the global Church, Urbana in the ‘90s welcomed multiethnic speakers and led musical worship experiences that drew from around the world. Topics relevant to Generation X—such as family brokenness and healing—were addressed alongside a renewed call to global mission.

“The best missionary later is the best missionary now.”

Paul Tokunaga, Urbana 90

“God uses ordinary people… in this great challenge of world missions.”

George Verwer, Urbana 96

“You and I have been called by God to serve him right now wherever we are. In the campuses throughout the land... in the universities throughout the world... in the byways and in the alleys and main streets of whatever cities. You and I have been called to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ all over the world!”

Isaac Canales, Urbana 90

Expanding Urbana’s Global Influence
Training a New Wave of Global Leaders
In 2006, Urbana moved to St. Louis, drawing a record-breaking 23,000 students who responded to the call to join God’s global mission. Urbana also supported the development of international student mission conferences across Africa, Asia, and Latin America, broadening its impact globally.

"Significance comes from knowing your purpose, knowing your calling… You must be ready to say ‘whatever, wherever, whenever.’"

Rick Warren, Urbana 06

"We need one another—east and west, north and south—that’s God’s global community. We’re called to be God’s people, bringing the gospel to the world from everywhere to everywhere."

Patrick Fung, Urbana 09

Challenging a New Generation
The Overflow of Life in Love with Christ
Amid the rise of social media and growing awareness of global and domestic issues, Urbana called students to align their lives with Christ’s mission by diving deeply into Scripture, partnering with the global church, and being sent into a hurting world.

"Surrender your plans and allow God to surprise you – God's invitation may be unexpected."

Tom Lin, Urbana 12

“Missions was never intended to be your life. Christ is intended to be your life.”

David Platt, Urbana 15

"The world bombards us with opportunities that distract us from the priority of the Great Commission.  I pray a new generation rises up that can ignore distraction, and devote their lives to God’s global mission."

Francis Chan, Urbana 15

Mobilizing Gen Z for God’s Global Mission
A New Generation Rising

At Urbana 25, Gen Z will be invited to see firsthand what God is doing globally and discover their role in His mission. With a fresh location, innovative programming, and the same vision to inspire young people to love Jesus and go into the world as His witnesses, we’re praying for God to work powerfully at Urbana 25.

Join us and be part of the next chapter.

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