Access to the Gospel

Access to the Gospel

What will it take to reach the world’s least reached communities?

“You will be my witnesses … to the ends of the earth.” — Jesus, Acts 1:8

From the beginning, God has been sending his witnesses to the ends of the earth, but 2,000 years after Jesus, there are still myriad communities without access to the good news.

  • Nearly 3 of every 5 people in our world live in 7,000-plus unreached people groups, where they may never even hear Jesus’ name.
  • More than 3,200 people groups (279 million people) have no known church community.
  • Over 1,800 language groups don’t have even a single verse of Scripture.
  • More than 1 billion people (1 out of every 8) live in urban slums and squatter settlements with very few churches among them.

What will it take to live out the gospel of the kingdom in these communities?

Statistics from Joshua Project, Wycliffe Global Alliance, and Servant Partners, July 2022

Icon Globe with lines

As we're in Acts, consider:

How do God’s Holy Spirit and Spirit-empowered people work together to communicate and demonstrate the good news of Jesus to widening circles of new disciples?


