The Beautiful Game: The Sport, The Church, The Movement

Explore the Scriptures for God’s desire for the nations and how his purposes include your passions and your skills. Hear the story of how the game that captured the world and became the passion of a nation would give voice and community to some who, hoping to see movements, would tell the greatest story ever told.

: December 31, 1:45 pm
: ICC 201-202
Will Brooks

Will Brooks is a child of his Father, oldest son of Will and Alicia, husband to Meng En, father to Hadassah. Formed by his Father through experiences in family, culture, and the story of salvation weaving its beautiful heritage, Will Brooks is a dreamer in Christ. He currently serves with OMF International as a church planter and disciple making trainer in Thailand. By God’s grace, he dreams of disciple making movements and Christ’s love transforming families and communities among Thai Buddhists, the peoples of Southeast Asia, and beyond.