Just Fly—Discerning Your Next Steps

January 24, 2019 | By Dominique Horne, InterVarsity/USA

Lindsey Gray, Chief Pilot for Africa Inland Mission (AIM) AIR, has a deep passion for flying, having completed her first solo flight at 17. And after going to Urbana four times, she also knows what it’s like to transition back to normal life after making huge commitments.

“For many people, Urbana is like powering up at the beginning of the runway. They’ve committed to go, but they’re worried about the storm 200 miles away,” she said. “Don’t worry about the storm. God will give you guidance along the way. Just fly.”

“Don’t worry about the storm. God will give you guidance along the way. Just fly.”

Twelve years ago, Lindsey attended Urbana for the first time as a freshman at Rocky Mountain College, a small liberal arts school. Heading in to the exhibit hall, she already knew that she wanted to be a missionary pilot but wasn’t sure which organization to join. It didn’t take long for her to meet AIM, and inspired by their work serving unreached people groups, she interned with them before graduation.

Lindsey officially joined the organization in 2012 and moved overseas two years later. “I love my job. I get to serve missionaries and help refugees. I’m not on the frontlines, but I get to help those who are. I hope to stay with AIM AIR as long as the Lord allows.” 

Reflecting on how God led her to AIM, Lindsey said, “For me, it was never one big commitment. It was just one step at a time and being faithful. You don’t need to know the final answer to take a small step of faith.

“We are all so unique in what God has gifted us in,” she said. “It’s okay to figure out what you’re most passionate about and run with that. For me, that’s airplanes. Figure that out for yourself and how you can use that to bless God’s people and come alongside what he is already doing.”

For more ideas on discerning your next steps, go to Urbana’s What’s Next? page.

Urbana Year