
God gifted us with our unique lives and stories and He uses them to share His glory. As we come together at Urbana15, our stories and our lives are meant to be in harmony as the body of Christ, so we must lean in, even when it is uncomfortable, we must listen to the stories around us which point to the work that God is doing in us and throughout the world.

You know you are a #InterVarsityBaby if any of the following are true for you: You never had a bedtime because your parents hung out late with college students, you committed yourself to following Jesus at an InterVarsity event as an elementary school student, and every three years your parents left you with grandparents the day after Christmas and disappeared to a magical place called Urbana.

One week ago today, everyone was feeling really thankful. I know, because that is what everyone’s Facebook status said as a caption for pictures of turkey and mashed potatoes. #thankful

Despite the overwhelming amount of thankfulness displayed on the internet, I felt like many posts I read were more about the idea of being thankful than about truly recognizing and thanking the people around us or giving praise and glory to God for all he has done.

If Jesus is able to forgive those who beat, tortured, and nailed him to the cross, then why is it so hard for us to forgive someone else for the smallest and stupidest of reasons?

The Urbana Program just came out last week, with a detailed schedule and all sorts of other great information about what our days in St. Louis will look like. Strange as it may sound, I am especially looking forward to the time allotted for dinner because it is an opportunity to have conversations that matter.