
We are in the midst of a global refugee crisis. Over 9 million Syrians have had to leave their homes in the past four years. Of these, 3 million have had to flee their country. A million of these are now refugees in Lebanon, a country whose total population is only 4.4 million. In other words, one out of every four souls in Lebanon is a refugee from Syria. And besides Syrian refugees, Lebanon also hosts Iraqi and Palestinian refugees.

I remember praying all night for women that I have never met, not just in Tampa but in this world to know how loved they are by Jesus. I prayed that someone, somewhere could do something to help the women of this world who are exploited every day. I haven’t stopped this prayer. I prayed that there would be more people like I had met to serve God’s people in other corners of the world. But then this idea came to me, what if I could do that? What if I could serve God’s people? What if this is my call?