Witnessing to Your Professor without Being an Idiot

Believe it or not, students can be powerful witnesses to their professors. It’s not as hard or as scary as you think. No matter where your professors are on their faith journeys, from hostile to seeking, God loves them and can use you to love them as well. Come hear stories and learn some tips from faculty and others.

: December 29, 3:15 pm
: ICC 143-144
David Vosburg

David Vosburg is Professor of Chemistry at Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, California and author of Jesus, Beginnings, and Science. He studied and trained at Williams College, Scripps Research, and Harvard Medical School. David is a Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar and Fellow of the American Scientific Affiliation. He loves making molecules in beautiful ways and communicating the compatibility of science and Christianity. David organizes a local group of Christian faculty and is married to InterVarsity campus minister Kate Vosburg. They have three children and mostly share a love for Tolkien, Legos, games, and the outdoors.

Kathy Tucan-Maclean

Kathy Tuan-MacLean (Ph.D., Northwestern University) serves as InterVarsity’s National Faculty Ministry Director.  Since joining InterVarsity in 1990, she’s ministered to undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty in New York City, Boston, and now Baltimore. She’s passionate about people experiencing Jesus — his love, grace, and reconciled community — and loves feeding people, literally and spiritually. She’s married to Scott, a CIO in healthcare, and is a mother to three young adult children. She’s also a certified spiritual director and is writing a book on spiritual formation for moms. 

Tony Musumba

Dr. Tony Musumba is an Assistant Professor of Physics at Riverside City College, having recently moved to California from North Dakota. Tony is active with the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) and has a PhD from the University of Texas at Dallas, where he was engaged in ministry among graduate and international students. Tony has been involved in student ministry since his undergraduate years. He enjoys hanging out with people, and misses mowing the lawn and shoveling snow.
