Why Love Your Neighbor?


Through real-life stories from campus and street-level and high-rise neighborhoods, we’ll share what we’ve learned by living into the commandment to love our neighbors. We’ll address obstacles (time, anxiety, the threat of polarized opinions) and share examples of gifts received (conversations about faith, friendship, and fun).

: December 29, 4:45 pm
: Sagamore 6-7
Lynda MacGibbon

Lynda MacGibbon leads the People and Culture Team for InterVarsity Canada and is the author of the book My Vertical Neighborhood: How Strangers Became a Community, based on what she learned about loving neighbors (and being loved by them) in her Toronto high-rise. 

Sevda Lindo

Sevda Lindo is an InterVarsity Canada Campus Minister in Hamilton, Ontario. Hospitality was engraved in her heart in her home country of Azerbaijan, and she loves preparing food and sharing it with neighbors. Sevda and her husband Matt, also with InterVarsity, have three children and a cat.