Telling Your New Faith Story

You just decided to invite Jesus into the center of your life. Believe it or not, people need to hear your story! In this seminar, we’ll help you grow in confidence to tell it joyfully. Come be inspired by fun stories and learn how to talk about your decision to follow Jesus with others as you head home. This is a special session held on December 31 at 4:45 p.m. in Rooms 141–142.

: December 31, 4:45 pm
: ICC 141-142
Josh Howell

Josh Howell has served with InterVarsity for over 24 years. Leadership, faith, and prayer have been common themes throughout his ministry, and he longs for college students to experience the same. Josh serves as a Regional Director overseeing InterVarsity’s work in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana.

Cultivating Deep Roots