Taking Children to Hard Places: Family in Ministry Together

Josh and Kimberly will share about the challenges and blessings of raising their five children in another religious community, involving them directly in ministry, and navigating primitive living conditions and serious security challenges together. Their testimony of God’s faithfulness to their family is for anyone with fears or concerns about taking children to the difficult settings often involved in ministering among unreached peoples.

: December 29, 4:45 pm
: ICC 205-207

With three toddlers in tow, Josh & Kimberly Michaels (with Wycliffe Bible Translators) began studying the language of a nomadic Muslim group just before geopolitical developments turned their host country upside down. A network of migratory primary schools grew out of their own homeschooling efforts. The Michaels children grew into educational, evangelistic, and translation support roles as the ministry developed over time.  

Sent Like Jesus
Cultivating Deep Roots