Surviving Lockdowns & Surveillance: Church in China

Before the pandemic, the church in China had been experiencing increasing restrictions and surveillance. Since 2020, the pandemic has intensified those pressures even more. In this seminar, we’ll hear stories of how churches in China continue actively serving the Lord and sharing the gospel in the midst of these challenges.

: December 30, 4:45 pm
: ICC 120-121

Speaker F is a house church pastor from mainland China. He has served as a pastor at one of the larggest house churches in China since 2010 and was ordained in 2017. He is mainly involved in Bible teaching, church planting, worship leading, campus ministry, theological education, and mission mobilization. He got his MDiv from an underground seminary in Beijing and his ThM from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is now doing his PhD study in Systematic Theology at Wheaton College (IL).

Speaker S is currently a Trinity student and a mother of two boys. She served full-time with her husband in campus ministry, building personal and mentoring relationships with college students.   

Speaker W is currently an MDiv student at Trinity. He was called to campus ministry with his wife and served college students for eight years.

Speaker B has been involved with campus ministry in East Asia since 2004, where he lived until 2019. He seeks to continue growing in learning what true partnership means, having learned much from his East Asian colleagues. He currently works in campus ministry in North America and is pursuing a master’s degree in missiology.

Access to the Gospel