Spiritual Strongholds & Blessings for Korea

The primary breakthrough we’re seeking for North Korea isn’t political but spiritual. Insights from our speakers, fieldworkers who have lived inside the DPRK for over a decade, will help you pray and prepare more effectively for opportunities to engage with both North and South Koreans.

: December 29, 1:45 pm
: ICC 125-126
Stephen and Joy Yoon

Stephen and Joy Yoon are the founders of IGNIS Community, a nonprofit organization that specializes in medical and humanitarian work in North Korea. They’ve spent over 10 years living in North Korea and are the authors of Discovering Joy: Ten Years in North Korea and the upcoming Learning to Love in North Korea. Their work in North Korea has included humanitarian outreach, social enterprises, and medical outreach with a focus on treating children with developmental disabilities. Stephen Yoon is the Medical Director, and Joy is the Director for Special Education at the Pyongyang Rehabilitation Center.  

Access to the Gospel
Cultivating Deep Roots