Seeing “Rural” as “Missional”

Recently, the evangelical world has been deeply interested in reaching cities. However, we can’t forget that 3.4 billion people live in remote and rural settings. We must see service in rural areas as a valid missionary call. Investing in a rural setting can have an exponential impact, influencing groups of villages and maybe even moving an entire people group toward Christ!

: December 29, 1:45 pm
: ICC 140
Jeff Clark

Jeff Clark and his wife started churches in remote northern Michigan, the suburbs of Orlando, and in rural Tennessee. Then Jeff served the West Virginia Convention of Southern Baptists overseeing church starting and evangelism before becoming the Executive Director of the Montana Southern Baptist Convention. For 13 years, the Clarks served in East Asia doing research, evangelism, and training rural church planters. Jeff serves as the Director for Wheaton College Billy Graham Center’s Rural Matters Institute and as the Global Rural Researcher for the International Mission Board.