Peace Feasts: Real, Simple & World Changing!

Peace Feasts help Muslims and Christians build relationships and talk about the topics we care about — and eat great food! Come hear real stories from Peace Feasts and why everyone who attends wants to meet again. You’ll learn how to plan your own Peace Feast on your campus or in your city for groups of 4 to 400 participants.

: December 29, 4:45 pm
: ICC 116-117
: December 31, 4:45 pm
: ICC 134-135
Deron Bauer

Deron Bauer is the Associate Director of Interfaith Relations for InterVarsity’s International Student Ministry. He and his team developed the Peace Feast and are excited to see it opening deep conversations between Christians, Muslims, and other religious groups across the country and internationally. In his spare time, Deron enjoys hiking the Pacific Northwest, peanut butter, and playing soccer with his daughters.

Ruth Kause

Ruth Kause is originally from Indonesia and came to the US as an international student. She just finished her master’s degree in theological studies. Ruth has been involved in four Peace Feasts in Boston in the past year and loves how they lead her into deep conversations with Muslim friends.

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