Migrant Ministry & Immigrant Justice

Over 90 verses in Scripture call for hospitality to strangers. Yet migrants to the U.S. often encounter a cold shoulder, particularly from evangelical Christians. What does it mean to welcome the stranger in a broken, ineffective immigration system? Learn the unique role that Christians can play in attaining justice for immigrants and how migrant ministry can be as effective and faithful as possible.

: December 29, 1:45 pm
: Sagamore 5
Alexia Salvatierra

Alexia Salvatierra’s life experiences— including urban community development and multicultural, pastoral leadership—have put her in a place to learn from what she calls the vibrant resilience of marginalized Christian communities. For the past 20 years, she’s been training ministries around the world how to contribute their unique gifts and resources to God’s broader mission. She is the Academic Dean of Centro Latino and an Associate Professor of Integral Mission and Global Transformation at Fuller Theological Seminary in addition to being a pastor and author.
