Making Sense of the Rising Tension Over Taiwan

With the current global conflict signaling the breakdown of Pax Americana (the post-WWII “World Order”), come learn how this impacts Western missions work in Taiwan and China.

: December 30, 1:45 pm
: ICC 140

As an immigrant from Taiwan to the U.S. in the 1980s, Rev. Dr. Peter W later became a pastor, church planter, and board member of various Christian nonprofits in the U.S. serving Chinese and Taiwanese Americans since 1995.  His direct work in Asia started in 2010 as a seminary professor and organizational consultant with various missions movements in Asia. Peter has a master’s degree from Western Seminary and a Doctorate of Ministry Degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Currently residing in Taiwan, Peter serves as a speaker, professor, and church planting network leader working with Chinese-speaking people globally.

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