Hope Changes Everything: How Hope Fuels Our Mission

Come hear Michael’s story, which began in a Sudanese village where his parents sought safety during civil war. Under constant threat from the militia burning villages, abject misery, terror, and despondency were everywhere. Michael got sick, which led to his being confined to a wheelchair. But God is good. Now a recipient of God’s grace, living a dynamic, hope-filled life that serves people around the world, Michael will inspire you with his story of divine rescue and restoration to new life.

: December 29, 4:45 pm
: ICC 133
Michael Panther

Michael Panther is the Founder and Executive Director of Living With Hope located in Northwest Indiana and the Chicagoland Area. Living With Hope partners with other international organizations to provide mobility devices to Africa’s people with disabilities, to train and equip indigenous pastors to reach those with disabilities in their communities, and to offer the gospel of hope through Jesus to all it serves. Michael is a paraplegic wheelchair user and native of South Sudan. He advocates for people with disabilities around the world. Michael graduated from Louisiana State University with a degree in economics.

Cultivating Deep Roots