Holistic Mission Through Base Christian Communities


The Base Christian Community Movement of the 1970s and 1980s was a grassroots network of small-group Bible studies for and by the poorest of the poor that became the spine of struggles for justice in Latin America and the Philippines. Come learn about their founding principles and practices and how they’re still useful today.

: December 31, 1:45 pm
: Sagamore 3
Alexia Salvatierra

Alexia Salvatierra’s life experiences— including urban community development and multicultural, pastoral leadership—have put her in a place to learn from what she calls the vibrant resilience of marginalized Christian communities. For the past 20 years, she’s been training ministries around the world how to contribute their unique gifts and resources to God’s broader mission. She is the Academic Dean of Centro Latino and an Associate Professor of Integral Mission and Global Transformation at Fuller Theological Seminary in addition to being a pastor and author.