Finding Jesus in Dangerous Places

Globe with lines

Why would God call us to dangerous places? Why would we go? Together we’ll explore what it’s like to walk with God in hard places, persevere amid uncertainty and disappointment, and share Jesus with love, respect, and joy, drawing upon Len’s years of experience in a volatile region.

: December 29, 4:45 pm
: ICC 122-124
Len Bartlotti

Len Bartlotti is a pioneer worker, strategist, and educator with 40 years of experience in cross-cultural ministry and the Islamic world. He and his wife served for years in a volatile Central Asian region among one of the largest unreached Muslim people groups. Their work included translation, ethnic music and verbal arts, refugee relief, and discipling believers. Len earned a PhD at the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (UK) and served on faculties at several universities. He travels internationally as a consultant, intercultural coach, and speaker. Len loves Italian food, just got a toy poodle puppy, and has seven grandsons.

Access to the Gospel
Cultivating Deep Roots