Environmental Missions, Justice & the Climate Crisis

The Church has been slow, but not remiss, in responding to the climate crisis through its two traditional means of outreach: missions and social justice. Hear some practical opportunities to join in and learn how Christ-followers can better ally with other activist movements while offering our greatest gift in the face of climate change: radical hope.

: December 30, 4:45 pm
: ICC 138-139
Lowell Bliss

Lowell Bliss is the Director of the Eden Vigil Institute for Adaptive Leadership and the Environment, at William Carey International University. He is the co-director of the Christian Climate Observers Program, which brings emerging leaders to the UN COP climate summits. He helps run Climate Intercessors, a global prayer network. A missionary for 14 years in India and Pakistan, Lowell is the author of two books on Environmental Missions. He and his wife moved to Ontario, Canada, in 2018, and he discovered this summer that he may like canoe camping as much as he likes backpacking.

Vocational Pathways