Urbana Conference

Pioneers and Wycliffe Bible Translators are providing a space and bringing together a community to help Urbana 15 participants discern how God’s mission will shape the next chapter of their lives. Urbana Onward will happen from 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. on March 5, 2016, in Orlando, Florida.

After I attended my first Urbana Student Mission Conference in 1973 as a 19-year-old college sophomore from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, I returned home exhilarated: the size of the conference, the caliber of the speakers, the awesome worship, the array of workshops and exhibits, and the small group interactions combined to make that conference one of the greatest experiences of my life to that point. At the “anywhere-Jesus-says-I’ll-go” challenge, I stood and dedicated myself to go wherever God would send me in the world.