
“Take the next step—don’t take a huge one, don’t look very far. I have learned the will of God is not hidden. It’s not very far. I have learned to obey him for what he’s telling me to do today. And that becomes a stepping-stone to the next thing, to the next thing and the next thing.”

As a 15-year-old Muslim woman from North Africa, Farida heard the gospel from a nurse, who then invited her to a two-day youth camp. At first, Farida rejected the gospel. Despite having immigrated to Paris with her family at a young age, she saw her identity fully as a North African and a Muslim…

In my native tongue, Malayalam, we would call rain during events like weddings, and religious conferences “munmazha”. The word “munmazha” and “pinmazha” are usually used together in religious contexts, the literal translations respectively being close to rain before and rain after. The connotation of munmazha is rain showers before an event to signify that the event will be blessed or that blessings are coming.