Evangelism through the Gospel of Luke

Helping our friends look at Jesus for themselves is one of the best ways to extend God’s invitation. Get trained in turning your Urbana experience in Luke into an evangelistic Bible study.
Andrea Emerson

(as of 2012)

Andrea has been connecting college students to Jesus since 2007. As a college freshman she made an adult decision to follow him because of a dorm Bible Study. She was blown away by the Jesus she encountered in Scripture: compelling, gutsy and relentless in his pursuit of people. Andrea feels most alive when she’s connecting people to this Jesus and that’s exactly what she and her husband get to do each day at Oregon State University!  She is pretty darn excited to equip Urbana delegates to connect their friends to Jesus using Luke’s gospel.

Rod Pauls

(as of 2012)

Rod has been working with InterVarsity for nearly 28 years.  He has loved and served college students in Kansas, Colorado, and most recently New Mexico.  His passionate interests include leading students in Scripture study, teaching students how to study Scripture, sharing the gospel with non-believers and having conversations about things that matter for eternity.  He has been married for eleven years to Andrea Carson Pauls and they have a beautiful three year-old daughter named Mattea.  Rod can often be found snuggling with his “bigger girl” and telling her stories of when he was in danger.  Rod has seen the gospel of Luke change his life and also the lives of others and is eager to help Urbana participants make plans for how they will use this gospel to share Jesus with their non-believing friends.

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