Understanding and Engaging Global Faiths

Muslim women on campus are a diverse group, coming from different countries with different longings, needs, and understandings of their faith. Learn practical information, ideas for activities, and Scripture studies to help you befriend and minister to Muslim women.

Hindus are generally loving, hospitable, religious, and culturally diverse. However, it is not easy to reach them with the gospel. Their pantheistic and inclusive belief system can make it hard for them to understand the Christian view of God. Come and explore the sociocultural methods and approaches to share your Christian faith with Hindus.

Do you wish you could get into more spiritual conversations with Muslim friends? One of the best ways is through sharing gospel stories. We will find relevant Bible passages and practice connecting them to the topics that arise naturally in daily conversation. These quick oral Bible studies can be a helpful stepping stone to deeper studies.

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The Church of Latter-day Saints, or Mormons, constitutes a large, unreached people group, both globally and in the U.S. Their strong religious and cultural identity makes them resistant, but more and more of them are open to the gospel. Come learn how to reach your Mormon neighbor in ways that answer their specific challenges to the Christian faith and account for their unique cultural identity.

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