Rachael Peterson

Staffing Manager

Though Rachael’s role has changed several times during her four years with InterVarsity, her appreciation for their global focus and devotion to God’s Word and kingdom has not changed. She also enjoys working with the servant-minded people on the Urbana Team who long to inspire a generation of world-changers. Beside her experience with InterVarsity, Rachael served at the Nehemiah Center for Urban Leadership Development alongside members of the African American community in Madison to help empower African American families. She currently lives in Boston, MA.

Comfort Foods:

“Cereal, especially Lucky Charms”

Favorite Music Genre:

Hip hop and pop

Favorite Verse:

Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.Matthew 10:39

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

 “All of South America. Oh, and Cuba.”

Donut or scone? Coffee or tea?

Scone and tea

What’s on your bucket list?

“Return to Patagonia at least once”

When I think of college, I think of . . .

“lots of studying, my really close-knit, girls Bible study group, and life-long friendships and memories that I made.”

What are you reading right now?

Destined to Win by Kris Vallotton

Urbana Year